Neurodevelopmental treatment (NDT) is a sensory –motor problem solving approach used by physical therapists / occupational therapists. The approach is designed to improve the function in children and adults having difficulty managing movement due to neurological disorders like head injury, stroke or cerebral palsy etc. Preference is given to attain Mobility over a strong Trunk stability, movement is enhanced through a sensory motor experience.
Benefits of Neurodevelopmental Treatment
- Allow functional movements on optimal posturesto be incorporated into daily activitiesto avoid further impairments & abnormal patterns of movement.
- Utilize Key Points of control to enhance movements.
- Assist children with the cerebral palsy who having difficulties with postural control and movement on attempting to rise against gravity.
- Enhance functional cortical reorganisation for improving the child’s function, social participation and quality of life.
Our physical and occupational therapists work towards providing these children a new environment where they can improve on their development. Along with their families, we try to give them a new life where the developmental issues would never be a concern or barrier for the child to explore the environment.
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