The Cerebrospinal fluid is one of the highest known elements that are contained in the body and unless the brain furnishes this fluid in abundance, a disable condition of the body will remain. In craniosacral therapy, thebones in the cranium and spine used as “handles” to release the restriction in the membranous system to allow the fluid to flow properly. The Dural system is continuous down the spine to thecoccyx, the Dural sleeve extends of what is known as Dural tube. And this Dural tube is attached with the connectivetissue which runs all over the body. The commonsigns of release in craniosacral therapy are visualised and felt through softening, lengthening, increased fluid and energy flow, heat, and client takes a deep breath. Craniosacral therapyhas its wide application from paediatric to geriatric population. It has been proved effective treatment for chronic neck pain, symptoms of fibromyalgia, for general movements in preterm infants, for controlling behaviour in children with sensory processing disorder and many more conditions.
Craniosacral therapy is considered as an alternative and non-invasive technique that helps you get control over your physical, mental and emotional health by focusing on regulating the craniosacral system. This technique minimises the exaggerated sympathetic system and improvise the parasympathetic system by creating a balance between both systems thereby reducing stress, anxiety and induce deep relaxation for normal behaviour.
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