
How post Covid-19 physiotherapy rehabilitation is beneficial for Covid patients?

A lot of patients recover successfully from deadly COVID-19 disease, but a lot of them also have to face the short/long term effects caused due to the disease. To treat the after-effects of the disease one needs to put in a lot of effort and this is where physiotherapy rehabilitation after COVID-19 is required. These rehabilitation services are offered by certified physiotherapists.

The role of the physiotherapist becomes an integral part of the rehabilitation process for patients with COVID-19 who face challenges with physical movement.

After being discharged from the hospital the patients are asked to increase their physical activities. The doctors ask their patients to perform certain physiotherapy exercises for Covid-19 patients

Most hospital patients are referred to a physiotherapist at the time of discharge. Non-hospital patients are also asked to engage in certain post-COVID physiotherapy exercises to recover faster.

Post-COVID Rehabilitation- What does it mean?

To help the patients get back to normal functioning and reduce disability, some interventions are introduced to help them recover faster. This is known as rehabilitation.

A lot of patients recover from COVID-19 infection and face some residual symptoms. In such cases, rehabilitation can be helpful to reduce the impact of deadly COVID-19 on the overall function of the body and the health of an individual.

The residual effects of Covid -19 include effects on the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, nervous system, and mental health, etc.,

People with residual effects of respiratory system experience shortness of breath and chest physiotherapy for covid 19 patients helps them maintain saturation at almost 97-98%.

You need to consider that physiotherapy after Covid-19 is an integral part of rehabilitation in different phases like

  • Early discharge
  • Enhance his psychological and physical abilities
  • Support the patient
  • Reduce the chances of readmission

strong>Why Physiotherapy is important in post-COVID rehabilitation?


physiotherapy after covid-19

is important as it helps

  • Enhance exercise tolerance in post-acute virus infection
  • Cut down the hospital re-admissions
  • Improve overall health and promote quality life.
  • Get back to the routine and perform daily activities while managing muscle pain and fatigue
  • Enhanced function of respiratory muscles and reduce breathlessness
  • Improve muscle function in lower and upper limbs.Educate on useful techniques to manage stress and fatigue while carrying out basic activities.

Physical therapy for covid patient can help him/her recover faster and resume daily activities effectively.


What is orthopedic physiotherapy?

Orthopedic physiotherapy works on the musculoskeletal system. The system comprises bones, muscles, and joints all through the body.
These components are prone to strains, sprains after surgery, injuries, or fracture.
Orthopedic areas include the back, limbs, and neck that can be affected on any part of the body.
Thankfully physiotherapy contributes a lot to treat orthopedic conditions. Some common types of orthopedic physiotherapy are

  • Shoulder therapy
  • Hand therapy
  • Knee therapy
  • Sports therapy
  • Physical rehabilitation

Orthopedic physical therapy involves the care for the musculoskeletal system, which comprises of

  • muscles
  • bones
  • joints
  • connective tissue
  • ligaments and tendons

Orthopedic physical therapy is given in hospitals, outpatient clinics, sports facilities, trained nursing facilities, and also at your home.

Conditions treated by Orthopedic physiotherapy

Orthopedic physiotherapy help treats almost all conditions that affect your mobility or movement in daily life.
If you have undergone surgery, orthopedic physiotherapy helps eliminate pain, improve your mobility, walking and prevent the building up of added scar tissue. Also, it can help you get back to normal mobility, balance, and strength.
People who undergo the following surgeries also seek help from orthopedic physiotherapist like

  • Knee replacement
  • Rotator cuff repair
  • Knee arthroscopy
  • Hip replacement
  • Cancer surgery
  • Heart surgery

Some of the treatments also used with orthopedic physiotherapy are

Exercise therapy

The physiotherapist would build an exercise regime that would include mobility, strengthening, and balance-building exercises.
Make sure you practice the exercises under the supervision of your physiotherapist to ensure you are doing the exercises correctly. After you get to learn the right way to do the exercises you can continue doing them at home individually to enhance your mobility and strength.


Traction helps reduce the pressure off the affected or compressed joints. The technique is performed by the physiotherapist manually with hands or with the help of equipment. This technique is helpful for patients suffering with

  • Lower back pain
  • Degenerative disc spine issues
  • Neck pain

Hot & Cold Therapy

Orthopedic physiotherapist utilizes both hot and cold therapy to treat swelling and musculoskeletal pain. Heat & ice prevents muscle damage.

Soft tissue manipulation

This therapy is a manual physical therapy wherein the physiotherapist utilizes hands-on techniques on the ligaments, muscles, and fascia. The technique helps maximize muscle function.


Here the physiotherapist would add water therapy to the existing treatment plan. The exercises are performed in a pool.
This therapy is beneficial if you have injuries or joint problems as water offers resistance.


Physiotherapy- An effective therapy to restore the function and mobility

Injuries are quite common in day-to-day lives, but no need to make it an obstacle. You can always face challenges and get back to normal life with appropriate treatment. The doctors often recommend medications for the pain, but if you want to get long-term pain relief then physiotherapy can help you.  The best physiotherapist in Chandigarh or your town can help you understand how physiotherapy effectively works on muscles and bones to help restore normal function.
Physiotherapy helps manage

  • Sports injuries
  • Accidental injury
  • Weight issues
  • Chronic pain
  • Before/after surgery issues
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Pelvic floor disorders
  • Bone ailments
  • Rehabilitation

The experienced physiotherapists help treat different issues like back pain, neck pain, spinal mobility issues, etc and you will find some related therapies below

Spinal Manual Therapy

Spinal manual therapy involves short and sharp movement that enhances the normal movement of the joints. With the help of trained physiotherapists, spinal manipulation can be performed to help you get relief from lower back pain.

Visceral Manipulation

It is an organ-centric fascial mobilization technique that treats the symptoms of poor posture, dysfunction, and pain. Visceral Manipulation therapy helps treat conditions like chronic low back pain, neck and shoulder pain, pelvic floor dysfunction, and viscera postural dysfunctions.

Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral therapy is a non-invasive therapy that restores cranial mobility and unusual restriction in the head. It can help treat dyslexia, fascial pain, autism, learning disabilities, and many more health problems.

Neuro-developmental Therapy

Neuro-Developmental Therapy is an effective hands-on technique that helps treat movement dysfunctions – CNS disorders in children.  The therapy is quite effective in improving your child’s function, postural control, etc

Sensory Integration Therapy

Sensory Integration Therapy helps adults & children build physical development and balance.  It also improves attention and confidence.

Dry Needling Therapy

Dry Needling Therapy helps restore the natural efficiency of the muscles to expand & contract thereby enhancing function and reduce muscular pain.


A manual technique that works well with all types of pains

Spinal manipulation is also known as called spinal manipulative therapy. In this technique, the practitioners make use of a device or hands to apply controlled thrust to a specific joint of the spine.

The force applied differs but the thrust applied moves the joint considerably that it could do itself.

The spinal manual therapy is performed mostly by chiropractors but can be carried out by licensed osteopathic physicians or physical therapists etc

An amazing approach

Spinal manipulation is used by children and adults and the pain conditions that can be treated using spinal manipulation are

Spinal manipulation – Is it safe?

Spinal manipulation is quite safe when carried out by a licensed and trained practitioner. The side effects observed are temporary which includes temporary muscle stiffness, soreness, and muscle pain.

Spinal manipulative therapy is a technique that involves the combination of moving & thrusting joints, exercise, massage, and physical therapy.

The therapy is created to ease off the pressure on your joints, enhance nerve function, and reduce inflammation. This therapy is highly effective in treating pain in the head, neck, back, and shoulder. Chiropractors use this therapy to treat disorders like sinus issues or menstrual pain.

Treating lower back pain with Spinal Manual therapy (SMT)

Spinal Manual Therapy is quite helpful in treating lower back pain which is a common problem faced by a lot of people these days. Lower back pain affects your daily life and can cost you a lot as a medical expense.

The low back pain is caused by tumor, fracture or infection etc though there are other causes too.

Sometimes lower back pain also spreads into your legs and buttocks and in such cases, SMT is quite effective.

SMT a simple manual technique includes both mobilization and manipulation. When it comes to manual mobilizations, your physiotherapist would move your spine within a specified radius of motion. The physiotherapist would use passive and slow movements which start with a small area and slowly increased to a wider area of motion.

Manipulation technique helps treat a lot of health ailments and since it is a non-invasive treatment, many people find it easy and helpful to get rid of the pain. You can also use it along with other treatments for faster recovery. If you are not interested in surgical treatments, you can opt for SMT as an alternative to eliminate many health disorders.

For Consultation, please contact

Dr. G.K Balaji
Consultant – Spinal Manual, Cranio Sacral Therapy, Neuro Developmental Therapy
Fortis Hospital, Sector 62, Mohali, (Punjab)
Mob: 9501778779,7508281645, 9780068097



NDT in Physical therapy

Neurodevelopmental treatment (NDT) is a sensory –motor problem solving approach used by physical therapists / occupational therapists. The approach is designed to improve the function in children and adults having difficulty managing movement due to neurological disorders like head injury, stroke or cerebral palsy etc. Preference is given to attain Mobility over a strong Trunk stability, movement is enhanced through a sensory motor experience.

Benefits of Neurodevelopmental Treatment

  • Allow functional movements on optimal posturesto be incorporated into daily activitiesto avoid further impairments & abnormal patterns of movement.
  • Utilize Key Points of control to enhance movements.
  • Assist children with the cerebral palsy who having difficulties with postural control and movement on attempting to rise against gravity.
  • Enhance functional cortical reorganisation for improving the child’s function, social participation and quality of life.

Our physical and occupational therapists work towards providing these children a new environment where they can improve on their development. Along with their families, we try to give them a new life where the developmental issues would never be a concern or barrier for the child to explore the environment.


Craniosacral Therapy

The Cerebrospinal fluid is one of the highest known elements that are contained in the body and unless the brain furnishes this fluid in abundance, a disable condition of the body will remain. In craniosacral therapy, thebones in the cranium and spine used as “handles” to release the restriction in the membranous system to allow the fluid to flow properly. The Dural system is continuous down the spine to thecoccyx, the Dural sleeve extends of what is known as Dural tube. And this Dural tube is attached with the connectivetissue which runs all over the body. The commonsigns of release in craniosacral therapy are visualised and felt through softening, lengthening, increased fluid and energy flow, heat, and client takes a deep breath. Craniosacral therapyhas its wide application from paediatric to geriatric population. It has been proved effective treatment for chronic neck pain, symptoms of fibromyalgia, for general movements in preterm infants, for controlling behaviour in children with sensory processing disorder and many more conditions.

Craniosacral therapy is considered as an alternative and non-invasive technique that helps you get control over your physical, mental and emotional health by focusing on regulating the craniosacral system. This technique minimises the exaggerated sympathetic system and improvise the parasympathetic system by creating a balance between both systems thereby reducing stress, anxiety and induce deep relaxation for normal behaviour.